Apprezzatissimi gli assoli di basso e batteria, come l'intero live: anche questa volta molti cd venduti (e offerti)!
E' stato loro chiesto di tornare a suonare qui, così come a Neath e a Weymouth, e ci auguriamo che le altre tappe del Tour proseguano con lo stesso entusiasmo e mietendo sempre più consensi.
E oggi, dopo tre giorni di serate ininterrotte, li aspetta una giornata di meritato riposo e di viaggio verso la città di Hull, dove avrà luogo il live di domani! A presto con i prossimi aggiornamenti!!
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Headliner this time, with nine opening bands, plunged in an undoubtedly metal atmosphere, the The Lotus enjoyed a great night at The Riverside in Selby, which hosted the "Help for Heroes" effort.
Much appreciated were the bass and drum solos, as the whole live was, as we can see from the further sold (or simply given) CDs! They were asked to come and play here again, as they were in Neath and Weymouth, and we hope that the other steps of this tour will go on showing the same enthusiasm, claiming more and more success and appreciation!
And today, after three days of performances nonstop, some well-deserved rest is in store for them, and one more travel to the city of Hull, where they're going to perform tomorrow night! See you here soon, with some more interesting news!!
C. for The Lotus Press
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